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Learning to Code with Python
Section 1: Introduction to Algorithms
S1L1: Make me a Sandwich - An Algorithm (7:43)
S1Q1: Terminology Check # 1
S1L2: Add Some Numbers (9:14)
S1L3: Bubble Sort - A Simple Sorting Algorithm (10:08)
S1L4: Bubble Sort - Variables, Data Types, Assignments, and Comparisons (7:45)
S1Q2: Terminology Check #2
S1L5: Bubble Sort - Arrays and Indexes and Pseudocode (13:01)
S1L6: Bubble Sort - Pseudocode to Computer Code (13:18)
S1X: Section 1 Exam
S1XR: Section 1 Exam Review (5:14)
Section 2: Install and Explore Python
S2L1: Section Overview (1:02)
S2L2: Install Python and PyCharm (5:38)
S2L3: Explore Python with IDLE (14:12)
S2L4: Explore Python with PyCharm (8:33)
Section 3 - Coding in Python
S3L1: Section Introduction (1:53)
S3L2: Python Variables (8:22)
S3Q1: Quiz
S3L3: Lists (6:57)
S3L4_Loops (9:40)
S3L5: BubbleSort Excercise (2:27)
S3L5: BubbleSort Review (5:13)
S3L6: User Input (8:54)
S3Q2: Quiz
Section 4: Getting Deeper into Python
S4L1: Section Introduction (1:08)
S4L2: If Else Elif (9:21)
S4L3: More on Lists (7:41)
S4L4: Looping Through a List (2:41)
S4L5: Tuples (6:03)
S4L5: Tuples Exercise Review (1:27)
S4L6: Dictionaries (4:27)
S4Q1: Quiz
Section 5: Functions
S5L1: Section Introduction (4:05)
S5L2: Storyboard the Bank Register App (3:26)
S5L3: Create the Menu - Introducing Functions (8:59)
S5L4: Model the Data - Lists of Tuples (11:46)
S5L5: Edit User Input (15:52)
S5L6: File Handling - Persisting the Data (13:31)
S5L7: Calculate Balance - Formatting your Print (7:51)
S5L8: Print Bank Statement - Sorting a List of Tuples (15:09)
Section 6: Object Oriented Sudoku
S6L1: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (3:21)
S6L2: Intro to Sudoku (3:55)
S6L3: The Cell Class (13:13)
S6L4: Puzzle Class Part 1 (12:51)
S6L5: Puzzle Class Part 2 (14:13)
S6L6: Puzzle Class Part 3 (14:27)
Section 7: Wrap Up
S7L1 - It's a Wrap (2:15)
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